Friday 24 May 2024

Current status

 Hello to all, currently the production is stopped due to factors outside of our control, but as soon as we return we will post it here in the blog. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Monday 17 July 2023

Summer holidays

 Just to let everyone know that we will be currently entering holiday mode. Will announce as soon as possible our return date. Happy summer to all!

Saturday 25 February 2023

The Trojan Horse released!

Good news! the Trojan Horse has been fully released and is ready to order. Those who preordered it at a discounted price will see their order shipped next week. Featuring 4 figurines and a full, easy kit of the Trojan Horse. Bonus is the new figurine of King Priam. Ready to be ordered from our Shop page. 


Wednesday 8 February 2023

Trojan Horse pre-order!

Hello all! good news, the Trojan Horse (HB014) is available for pre-order at a discounted price! everything is just nearly ready, so it can be pre-ordered now. The latest date of shipping will be 28/02/2023, hopefully will be shipped some time before. It will be the same that our previous release, but with improved moulding, and with a bonus new figurine of King Priam :) . By pre-ordering it now, you will be able to save some money on the final release, and help speed up the production of new sets :) .


Tuesday 17 January 2023

Back to work!

 We are now fully back to work ;) . Our apologies, all incoming orders will be shipped tomorrow. We'll continue working with our new sets, hoping to release new sets before summer.

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Christmas holidays!

 We have to announce that Christmas is round the corner, so we have to make our winter break! we will be reopening the shop in January 10th, and processing all new orders then. Sorry for any inconvenience!

In January the Trojan Horse should be reissued.

P.S: We apologize for the previous unrelated posts, due to cross-error between accounts.

Monday 28 November 2022

Persian War Elephants reissued!

  It's official! our old set of Persian War Elephants has been reissued, and comes with bonus! a Zoroastrian priest with two high fire altars. 

 Ready to buy from our Shop tab.

 Next set will be the reissue of the Trojan Horse with bonus figurine of King Priam. However, it is not clear at this date when it will be done, if it will be reissued on December or January, all depends on the will of the Gods :) .